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I Have Seen Big Brother, and He Is Us

Via Singularity Hub, I learned of a new site, Ugolog, which promises to turn any Webcam into a motion detection camera. Now you—or anyone, for that matter—can monitor remotely any area on which you choose to train a digital camera. The service will store and make searchable the video data, which will undoubtedly be tagged with date, time, and geographic data.

I guess if anyone is keeping track of our comings and goings, it's better that it is each other, rather than Google or the government. Or is it?


Anonymous said...

Wow! We got big brother watching us and Google reading our minds.

These blogs make me paranoid!

librarian@play said...

Don't be paranoid, be aware. Especially since we're willingly handing over our own privacy to the Web and its masters. Understand the system in order to subvert it.